Family is extremely important for Italians, and our winning card is that we always
know how to make you feel at home.
A Costa cruise is the perfect vacation for the entire family. In fact, in addition to
being relaxing, it’s also fun and exciting for both parents and children alike, with
solutions designed to meet everyone’s specific needs: on the Costa Diadema,
for example, the family-size exterior Premium Cabin sleeps five and has two
bathrooms, thus ensuring personal space and maximum comfort for everyone.
But there are also triple, quadruple and adjoining cabins: simply choose the one
that’s best for you! Once on-board, the Squok mascots will immediately begin
helping your children find their way around and make new friends. While many
of the activities are open to children as well, if you’re looking for a chance to get
away, our on-board entertainment staff will take them off your hands and engage
them with various toys suited to their specific age groups, including those by Spin
Master (Meccano) and Microsoft (on the Costa Diadema). In order to render them
more engaging, the Clubs have been divided into age groups: Mini, for ages 3 to
6; Maxi, for ages 7 to 11; Teen Junior, for ages 12 to 14; and Teen, for ages 15
to 17. You can choose to take part in on-shore excursions designed specifically
for the whole family, or else can decide to leave your children on-board to enjoy
themselves at the Squok club.Consult your travel agent, visit our website,
or call the Costa contact centre to find out more about the various
promotions dedicated to the entire family.
Family Club:
climb on board with the whole crew!